Conference Report
Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services

Axel Polleres
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Editor: Enrico Pontelli

This report gives a brief overview of the topics and results of the workshop on ``Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS 2006)'', which took place for the  first time on August 16th 2006, in Seattle, WA, USA, co-located with ICLP.  Besides the usual presentation of scientific papers, we adopted a  methodology called Open-Space in order to facilitate a more interactive  workshop atmosphere, which, although not yet very common for scientific workshops, proved to be very stimulating and even led to the concrete planning of collaborations among the workshop participants.

The advent of the Semantic Web promises machine-readable semantics and a machine-processable next generation of the Web. The first step in this direction is the annotation of static data on the Web by machine processable information about knowledge and its structure by means of Ontologies. The next step in this direction is the annotation of dynamic applications and services invocable over the Web, in order to facilitate automation of discovery, selection, and composition of semantically described services and data sources on the Web by intelligent methods; this is called Semantic Web Services. Many workshops and conferences have been and are being dedicated to these promising areas.  They mostly deal with generic topics and bringing together people from a broad variety of research fields with different understandings of the topic. The plethora of these workshops and conferences makes it hard to keep track of the various approaches of a particular technology, such as declarative logic programming in our case. So, the goal of ALPSWS was somewhat different: We aimed at advancement of specific applications of Logic Programming as a paradigm for declarative knowledge representation and reasoning for the Web. The idea was to bring together the impressive body of work related to applications of Logic Programming to Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services in order to bring together people from different sub-disciplines of LP and focus on technological solutions and applications from LP to the problems of the Web.

Co-locating the event with one of the major Semantic Web conferences (ISWC, ESWC, ASWC) seemed like ``carrying OWLs to Athens'' (BTW, this year's ISWC indeed takes place in Athens... Georgia, USA, however ;-) ), so we decided to co-locate the workshop with ICLP in Seattle with the idea to further promote research in this interesting application field in the LP community.

The workshop took place on Wednesday, August 16th; it lasted a full day and was divided into three sessions. While the first block was dedicated to papers on Semantic Web reasoning, the second block hosted contributions for applying LP to reasoning about Web services and Policies. A final block was dedicated to discussions around the topic of the workshop, adopting the so-called  Open-Space methodology, which was started with a half an hour poster session in order to stimulate discussion.

From the seven accepted full papers (see, four treated core LP and Semantic Web reasoning issues, whereas three were mainly concerned with Web services. Among the five posters, which were
additionally presented, two were concerned with Web services, one  with syntax, and we had two interesting contributions on OWL Reasoning  using Prolog.

Concerning adopted LP paradigms, a tendency, which could also be observed at ICLP, was recognizable: Whereas most of the papers used traditional Prolog, a considerable number of contributions was dedicated to the recently emerging Answer Set Programming paradigm, where both paradigms proved valuable in their particular applications. Roughly speaking, Prolog-based approaches have proven valuable for implementations of Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services solutions for a variety of applications, as well as for building lightweight reasoners, whereas the ASP contributions focused more on the aspects of using LP itself as a KR formalism for the Web. It will be interesting to follow the ongoing development, not only in the particular field of Semantic Web, but in the LP community in general.

One of the most interesting parts of the workshop for us as the organizers was the open-space discussion in the afternoon session. Open-Space is a methodology for joint agenda finding (see e.g. which facilitates dynamic discussions.  It turned out that the methodology is well-suited for such a workshop. The interesting thing about this form of discussion is that you never know what happens, since the participants themselves decide about the items to be discussed,  and several discussions are happening in parallel in the same room;  people join and leave discussions absolutely voluntarily, but it  (surprisingly?) still almost always works!

Six concrete topics were discussed throughout the Open-Space sessions which we describe (in a deliberately sketchy way) in the following.  Not all discussions had a ``tangible'' outcome, but many interesting issues were raised which increased the common understanding of the problems in the area.

Open world reasoning vs. closed world reasoning. This topic was concerned with the different implications and needs for Semantic Web Reasoning. Much time was spent on reaching a common understanding of the distinction between "open" and "closed" in the context of the Web. E.g., negation as failure may be viewed as closed world reasoning on the one hand, but also be interpreted as simply reasoning by default, which is very natural for humans. OWL, as opposed to LP dialects advocates a strict open world reasoning. However, if the Web is to be the ``world's largest large database'', what are the implications, as database query languages (including SPARQL!) do have negation as failure? Closed world reasoning is very common in databases. Can scoped negation over closed Web documents or local closed world reasoning do the trick?

Ontologies and Web Services. This topic was concerned with the meaning of Ontologies as such, as well as the meaning of Ontologies for (Web) services. The focus, though, was on the former, including the discussion of different Representation Formalisms and different Ontologies. Other topics: What does it mean to ``harmonize'' different ontologies? How to do ``Web services search''? In how far do/can search engines make commitment to ``meaning''? Reuse as a crucial issue of ontologies; discussion of a concrete application area - eHealth - where standards with completely different backgrounds and communities exist.

Smart Search Engines. Challenges and open issues regarding smart search engines were discussed: How to reduce annotation costs which are a high entry barrier to the Semantic Web? Which technologies can be used? How to increase the benefit compared to current search engines? What  \emph{output} do you expect from "smart" search engines? What is the meaning of correctness/reliability/locality in search results (correctness vs. "google")? How can you specify constraints?

Semantic Modeling of Web Services Inputs/Outputs. This slot was dedicated to the often overlooked problems of semantically modeling inputs and outputs of Web services. It is often not enough just to say that the input shall be an instance of an (OWL) ontology, because this raises the following question: What to send over the wire? CORBA and XML Schema both provide formalisms to check valid inputs, whereas this problem is to a large extent ignored/neglected in Semantic Web Services frameworks. It remains unclear how to set up a contract, when e.g. an instance of the class "Person" is requested as service input. What shall be sent by the requester? A person id? A name and social insurance number? It was agreed among the workshop participants to jointly work on a solution of this issue, defining a formal specification of semantically described input and output.

Joint project opportunities. Which possible funding lines for joint projects exist on EU level? How can US (or other non-EU) partners join? What are the most promising/challenging application areas (also from the perspective of funding possibilities)? Several participants showed interest in joint projects and first contacts have been made (and, in the meantime, have even led to the first joint proposals).

Next ALPSWS Fortunately, everyone agreed that we had a stimulating and useful workshop, which made positions, approaches, but also open issues and gaps clear. One of the main issues turned out to be the question how to  bridge the gap between Semantic Web and Web services. LP methods are successful for both, but so far hardly in a unified framework: In this slot, we discussed where and when to have  a next ALPSWS in order to further encourage cross-fertilization of these fields.

We further discussed how to keep the spirit to make the event a workshop instead of a mini-conference. The Open-Space discussions were agreed to be a perfect means to this end. Additionally/alternatively, possibilities such as a panel or different forms of presentations (e.g. 10min flash presentations plus a longer poster session for all papers) were discussed.

Summarizing, the first three of the Open-Space sessions rather served to  achieve a higher level of mutual understanding, than leading to specific  joint work, whereas the latter three already seem to have sparked concrete activities.

We plan to collect the outcome of these discussions on a separate Wiki page (which will be made accessible via the workshop Webpage ( soon and hope that the participants, but also other interested people joining, will  take up the defined action items and be able to present more concrete  answers to the open questions mentioned above.

Proceedings including the full papers and abstracts of presented posters  are  available online in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings series, under  Vol-196 (see Additionally, the two best papers will be published in a dedicated section of the upcoming special issue on "Logic Programming and the Web" in TPLP, see

Hopefully, see you -- and awaiting your interesting contributions - at a possible continuation of this workshop!

        Axel Polleres, Stefan Decker, Gopal Gupta, and Jos de Bruijn (the organizers)